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On-site UX training for a team of software devs and business analysts

Mikrum is an IT business, focused on providing services like Business Growth and Software Development to other companies. The team works on improving products and solutions provided by clients.

A group photo of training participants
Software Development
UX Training
Team Setup
1 Researcher + 1 Designer
3 Days


Our goal was to ensure attendees left with a broader understanding of digital solutions, introducing a fresh mindset for a new perspective. This included teaching them new skills and instilling a holistic work approach focused on users, guiding ideation from simple to complex.


We had limited time to delve into understanding their company and identifying our audience, which are crucial steps for effectively guiding them through mastering a new design tool within a tight three-day window.


The training boosted the team's UX maturity through our innovative methods, such as having workshops with smaller groups for active involvement and inclusivity. Our customized presentations assured the free flow of ideas, and also introduced new work methods and deepening the participant's understanding of customer preferences and needs.

People involved
Hours of prototyping
Design stages
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How we started

  1. Our involvement began with an initial in-house briefing where team members got acquainted. We then organized the team's tasks among researchers and designers.
  2. Aligning expectations, creating a clear timeline and relevant materials.
  3. Setting up a hybrid setup for 7 on-site and 1 remote attendee, creating the workshop and presenatation area for the next 3 days, on-site.

Main topics covered

  • Introduction of key UX principles and heuristics
  • Research methods
  • Designing screens and creating flows
  • Conduct usability tests and iteration on prototypes

Considering their clients' field, we aimed to enhance seemingly challenging sectors like governmental/national animal health care and livestock tracking. We introduced several UX Design and Research methods to discover the most effective approaches possible.

Photo of the workshop, with our expert presenting
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Mikrum's team

  1. 6 Full-Stack Developers
  2. 2 Business Analysts
  3. 7 on-site, 1 remote member

During the 3-days-long training, we had sessions from 9 am to 5 pm, every day. Every morning we started with an ice-breaker just to connect with the team and also help them connect to each other before jumping into the day.

Our final schedule:

A 3-day timetable
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The team learned how to:

  1. Write impactful interview scripts, conduct stakeholder interviews, and usability tests with little or no guidance.
  2. Build user journeys to better understand their user's problems enabled by learnings of holistic UX mindset.
  3. Create relevant personas that represent their actual base of end-users.
  4. Quickly generate ideas and present them to their colleagues. Give and receive constructive feedback to and from each other.
  5. Explore and visualize their ideas in Figma. Ensuring that developers are able to read designs in various code languages and get deeper understanding of received designs.
  6. Back up their decisions based on comprehensive UX mindset.
Prototypes created by the team
Prototypes created by the team
Phil McCracken
Business Analyst at

"I tend to experience trainings as a leaisure activity, however I really enjoyed this 3 days with the team from UX studio. I finally was able to turn the learnings into something useful:  the following day we were able to present some snippets based on them on an internal team meeting. I specifically want to thank for the positive attitude, I never felt being the “one who asks too much”, I loved your energy, excitement, and joyfulness."

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