Product Design Book

A comprehensive guide on designing digital products people will love

199 pages, filled with real-life examples and illustrations

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Product Design Book

Product discovery

How do you find out what people’s pains and needs are? The Product Design book will show you how to discover product ideas which are in demand. Interviewing, jobs-to-be-done, online research, experience sampling and a lot more.

Getting to know the user

How to find out more about your users? How can you identify their personal motivations and habits? And how do you share these insights with the rest of your team?

Screen design

What do people most expect to see on a screen? What should be your main focus when designing for a mobile a platform? What should be emphasized, and what should rather be hidden?

Experience design

Design user flows by discovering how people use an interface: what is emotional design? How does the use of an application become a daily habit? Learn more about onboarding, and how you can make your users understand your product more easily.

UX research

What are the best ways to observe human behaviour? What are the 9 most important research methods? Product Design will tell you all you need to know about usability tests, interviews, field research, analytics, A/B testing and more, all with real-life examples and case studies.

Agile & lean design

How should you manage design tasks? How can you achieve better business results in a shorter time? How can design contribute to the work of an agile software development team?

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Here’s what people say about the book

Amid Moradganjeh
Amid Moradganjeh
Former designer at Google and IDEO, CEO at SquareMountains
"I think the book can be useful for product managers or people who are developing digital products, but don't know much about design, yet want to learn how it works and perhaps implement it in their daily job."
Campbell Orme
Campbell Orme
Product designer at Facebook
"I tip my hat to you! There's some great - and important - things gathered up in here and it's clear a lot of love went into it."
Preethi Srinivas
Preethi Srinivas
Senior UX designer, Indiana University (USA), Regenstrief Institute
"The Product Design book is a nice overview of digital product design. I am planning to share your book with my team."
Agnes Muszka
Agnes Muszka
"It's great that you share practical solutions based on your own, personal experiences. The examples are cool too, especially when you present real life cases and describe what you had to focus on, when designing that certain product."
Janos Szendi-Varga
Janos Szendi-Varga
"As a software engineer I found the Product Design book really interesting, as it shows how we can implement product design processes in agile software development."

About the author

David Pasztor has been working in the tech and design industry for more than 10 years, and is the founder of UX Studio, a 22-person design team based in Budapest. UX Studio works on digital products for international brands including HBO, Liligo, Digic Pictures, Gestalten publishers and the KBC group, and the results are used by millions of people. As well as heading UX Studio, he teaches product design in Budapest and Berlin and gives talks on UX Design around the world.

The author David Pasztor
Product Design Book

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199 pages, filled with real-life examples and illustrations